The Power of Inbox
Use all of the great email tools you know and love: labels, filters and powerful search to organise content.
Comments Pro
Easily see relevant comment sections across the web, Reddit and Hacker News.
Your Data, Your Rules
Import/export your feeds via industry standard OPML format. Easily migrate to/from other readers.
A Thousand Feeds Pro
Never miss important content again with the ability to follow up to 1000 feeds.
Realtime Pro
We'll poll your feeds every 15 minutes, or get instant updates for feeds with PuSH notitications.
Jet Black theme Pro
Experience easy night-time reading and better battery life with our premium dark theme.
Social Media Pro
Easily forward content you like to your followers on Facebook & Twitter with our built-in URL shortener service.
Keyword Filters Pro
Don't get overwhelmed with content you're not interested in - fiter out keywords you don't want to see.